Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Florence and the Machine At The Wiltern, November 6-8th 2010


  1. at first I thought it was for an upcoming gig
    till I looked closely(!)
    LOVE the image ... did you design it?
    - george

    ps/ have you heard the new album?

  2. yes, i did design this. im glad you like it! and yes, i have heard the new album. i like it, its not what i expected, which is usually a good thing!

  3. wow ... it's really good
    haha I'm envious of your talent!
    I'm not normally a fan of american gig
    posters like these, so many just seem to
    have nothing in connection to the artist
    and are just some random image ... but this was
    one of the few that I was *really* impressed by
    ... and I like how it resonates so well with
    the new sound - amazing foresight/future-music
    predicting abilities!

    I like it a lot too - it's even better than I
    had hoped for ... I just wanted it to be very
    different - and it is

  4. thank you ! i actually did do this poster recently. there is no scedualed dates for her coming up (there maybe but i havent heard about them yet) so i decided to just pick a prior show to do a poster for, more of an excercize. i agree with you, gig posters sometimes can be very out there and not in a good way. i like to make my posters reflect what i take from the music, and yes the record is very understated and dark. i like it alot!
